The Golden Ratio: Which Body Proportions Look Best?

The idea of ​​beauty and attractiveness is often associated with a perfect body. But what makes a body perfect? You can find an answer to this in the symmetry and balance of the body.

Your brain is programmed to seek and be drawn to symmetry and balance. This notion of physical symmetry has also led to our understanding of ideal body proportions, which is based on numbers like the "golden ratio". This mathematical value, studied by mathematicians since ancient times, gives a ratio of 1:1.618 and is present in the human body. The golden ratio is a number that appears throughout the human body, from the length of the arms and legs to the torso, and seems to define what proportions look best, i.e. are most attractive.

The "Golden Ratio" is used by artists, sculptors, surgeons and dentists to create the ideal human figure or to restructure the human face. However, it is important to note that there is no such thing as a "perfect" body type or universally attractive body proportion. Every person is unique and has their own beauty.

Still, there are three types of body proportions: 5-5, 4-6, and 3-7. The average person's upper body to lower body ratio ranges from 1:1 (5-5) to 1:1.5 (4-6). To find out what body type you are, you can use the body ratio formula: (height - leg length): leg length. The reference for the different body ratios is as follows:

5-5: short legs and long torso 4-6: medium length legs and medium torso 3-7: long legs and short torso It is important to emphasize that these references should not be taken as a limitation, but rather as a useful benchmark for physical symmetry and balance can serve if you strive for it.

If you're interested in measuring your body proportions, it's important to know your leg length. You can measure the waist circumference to the foot. With this information, you can then apply the body ratio formula and determine your body proportions.

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